Day: <span>November 30, 2017</span>

5 Worst Places to Live in Canada

When it comes to world safety rankings or the safest countries to be one of the first that pop into your mind is Canada.  As such Canadians grow up with the belief that they are living the safest place to be.  If you take in the statistics whereby there are over 28 million people in living in Canada and an average of fewer than 600 murders per year it gives the illusion of a safer place to be but in comparison to other places not because there is no crime or dangers lurking around.


Here are five of the worst places to live in Canada and why!

  • Saint John, New Brunswick
    Sexual abuse cases being 123.9 in per 100.000 people Sant Johns becomes Canada’s capital for sexual assault.
  • Grande Prairie, Alberta
    With a rate of 62.08 reported incidents per 100.000 Grande Prairie was tops for gun-related crimes making it Canada’s gun crime capital.
  • Regina, Saskatchewan
    Top of the list when it comes to an aggravated assault which is an assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and attempted murder. Regina’s statistics were 29019 per 100,000 for this crime.
  • Highway 63, Alberta
    Is known as Canada’s most dangerous motorways to drive with at least seventy-six people killed between 2001 and 2013 in collisions with other vehicles due to extreme weather conditions and animals on the road.
    Highway 63 links Alberta oil country to Edmonton.
  • Longueuil, Quebec
    Longueuil, a suburb of Montreal is known as Canada’s identity theft capital with instances of these thefts at 50.32 per 100,00.
  • Capitals murder capital goes to Fort McMurray in Alberta with a 2016 homicide rate of 6.84 deaths per 100,000 people where Canada’s average is under 2 per 100.000 people one can see why For McMurray, once a booming Alberta oil town is one of the worst places to live in Canada.
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